

Welcome to Honey and Peaches!

I'm Jessica. I am a historian by training, a new mommy, a Pinterest addict, an avid fan of Trader Joe's and many many more things too, but those are the things that seem most relevant at the moment.

I used to wish I were a poet. These days I wish I were a florist. Or a designer. Or that I professionally made gourmet marshmallows. Or party tassel garlands like these. Clearly I have a creative itch that needs more scratching than I really know how to give it.

But back to this blog...
This is my space away from my work as a historian and scholar. At home, I'm an amateur cook with an iPhone who isn't trying to professionally food blog. (Yep, I made that a verb) Rather, this is simply a place to document and share my adventures in the kitchen and in life, most especially with my sister, who I assume will be my primary reader.
I don't really like recipes. Sometimes (like when baking) they are necessary, but it's far more fun to wing it and experiment. My favorite way to cook is to get on Pinterest and read an abundance of recipes for the same thing. Once a figure out the jist of the thing, I go about it my own way based on personal preferences or, more likely, what it is we have in the house. This blog is, in part, my way of recording those new-fangled recipes. As such, some of the entries will read more as a narrative than a recipe. Some might not ever outline ingredients or a step by step how to. But some will. See?! Adventure.
My sister cooks the same way. Perhaps she will join me in writing and sharing here. I'll be the Honey, and she can be the Peaches.

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